Sunday, June 7, 2009

Potty and dancing....

What do these two things have in common? Nothing.....but they both happened a lot at our house this week! We've been testing the potty training waters for quite some time now with Corinne, but up until now she has never really acted interested. This past week, she decided on her own that she would use the "big girl potty" all the time and has been so great about running to the bathroom (or wherever the potty is at the time) when she has to go! Such a big girl!! One out of to go!

For the first couple days, the potty went where Corinne went, but now we've moved it back to the bathroom!

No better time to get some reading done!

Caleb started "dancing" this week.


  1. That is so cute! Things are definitely going to be different in MI this year. We are going from 1 being mobile to 3. They are going to keep us busy!

  2. Evalana agrees on potty time being good reading time. Good job Corinne!
