Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas season highlights....

Over the past month we....

visited Santa for the first time ever...(not sure the boys ever want to go back!)

Put up the tree...

Spent Christmas eve with my family... (first time all five kids have been home in 12 years!!)

Got a huge doll house...

And most importantly talked about Jesus each and every day, remembering why we get to celebrate this magical time of year. I LOVE December!
Corinne really wanted to get her hair cut a few weeks ago. She said she was sick of the "bird nest" that she woke up with each day. I loved her long hair- but she definitely needed some cut off to make it look healthy again.



After! We love our pretty little girl! :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011


We're having lots of fun in school these days! Here are a few pictures.

Doing school with the kids is my favorite part of the day! It's so fun to see them interact and even more fun to see them actually learning!