Wednesday, May 30, 2012

No more training wheels!

Glen decided to do away with Corinne and Caleb's training wheels one afternoon several weeks ago. The kids LOVE that they can ride fast now and family bike rides are much more fun!

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012


We've been having school at our house on Monday, Wednesday and Friday this year. Next year Caleb will be in kindergarten and Corinne 1st grade so we'll do school everyday. Caleb will be doing the My Father's World Curriculum and we haven't decided on Corinne's yet. We've chosen our top choices, but I'm going to the christian homeschool
convention in June and will be able to actually look at the material which will help us decide.

Caleb is getting good at reading 3 letter words! In this game I say a word, he finds it and parks his truck beside it.

Working on vowels.

Matching rhyming words.

Corinne is doing lots of reading these days!

And so is Cal (on the potti!)

We got an any hill and have had fun watching them makes tunnels.
We love our school time!

Fun outside!

We're loving The nice weather!

Calvin got himself stuck in the dolly stroller.

Corinne and Caleb love to eat lunch outside! Corinne pretends she is a waitress while Caleb orders. (and she always makes sure he uses manners!)

Cousin fun in the sand box.