Saturday, July 23, 2016

8 months!

This little man is 8 months!! It's going too fast!! Everyday he does something new and is really developing a little personality! 

8 teeth already!

Trying out the chair in Nana's new garden! 

Clara loves Cole (she calls him Coly), but still has her rough moments with him!!

Cole is eating more each day and no longer allows us to get away with skipping a meal! He LOVES to eat!! 

First 4th of July parade!

First time to Lake Michigan. Cole is So so close to crawling. He gets up in his knees and rocks back and forth, but then just collapses and inch worms his way around the room. 

Love this little guy so much!! 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

6 months!

6 months already!! 
Cole loves to jump up and down in his excersauces! He doesn't love when his siblings try to play with him in the saucer and spring the toys into his head! Poor guy!

The minute we put Cole on his back he rolls to his tummy! He sleeps like this all night because he doesn't know how to roll back! (Although he is definitely NOT sleeping through the night.)

He loves bath time! Almost time to ditch the baby tub!

Clara insisted on taking Cole on a wagon ride the other day. His first wagon ride!!

We haven't really given Cole food yet. It's too easy just nursing- but I know he won't be satisfied with only milk for too much longer! 

Cole naps several times a day but there is no REAL schedule. Poor fifth baby!!

Trying a banana. Most of it ended up on the floor. 

Cole weighs 25lbs- just two pounds less than Clara! We love all his rolls! He has five teeth coming in already! Cole is so easy going and is loved by all of us so much!!

Monday, March 21, 2016

4 months!

Our big boy is SO big!!  He is 23 pounds!! His little personality is starting to emerge and we're loving  it. He's full of giggles and smiles and is such an easy guy to have around!  Cole does not have good nights so I'm up a lot with him- sometimes for hours! He gets very congested at night so I'm thinking I should try giving up dairy and see if that helps. I'm definitely ready to sleep again!

We've been so busy this past month that I haven't taken many pictures. I did get this video of Cal playing with Cole. Poor little guy is already getting used to the rough play he's bound to experience more of!!

Future praise musicians!

Corinne and her good friend Maddie LOVE to create music together. I thought this was so sweet.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

3 months!

This little guy is 3 months and growing growing growing!! Last week's scale reading said 22lbs!!!  He's in size 3 diapers, (although Clara's 5's for him just fine) and he fits in 6-12 month clothing.

He is adored by all the other kiddos. Calvin especially loves holding him!!

We're getting lots of smiles, but I haven't caught any good ones on camera yet.

I love all the sleepy cuddles!

Cole still does a lot of sleeping! 

Cole's nights are not fantastic as he is getting too strong to stay swaddled, but wakes himself up from flailing! He goes to bed between 9-10 and is usually up again by two. After that he may sleep until 5 or 6- or he may be up more! 

I haven't putting any effort into getting him on a schedule of any sort yet- so that is probably part of the problem. 

Cole doesn't do much crying and is a happy little guy most of the time!  With 4 others running around, I have to remind myself to just stop and cuddle him sometimes. I know it's going to go fast so we need to soak up as much as we can.

Monday, January 25, 2016

2 months!

Cole was 2 months on the 18th! As usual- time is flying by!

He is weighing in at 18.5 lbs and is off the charts! His head circumference and height are in the 95th percentile. 

We of course love all his rolls!

The past few nights he has slept from 9-3:30am which has been nice! I've learned not to get too excited about my kiddos sleeping long stretches at night though...seems like sleeping through he night doesn't happen until my babies are done nursing which is OK.

He's starting to give us some silly smiles which we love!!

Cole has been such an easy little guy so far. He eats, hangs out and sleeps. He even let's me get school done with the big kids each day. Now Clara...she's a different story!

Love all my kiddos so much!!!