Monday, January 28, 2013

Just posted about the Christmas tree and realized I never even wrote a post about Calvin's birthday (back on November 19th)!  Poor third baby!!! Calvin turned two and I have no idea where the time went (so cliche but true!).
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Oh are so sweet and so the third child.  A goofy little guy who loves attention.  You are constantly cracking us up with your funny personality, and of course you eat it up!  Someone must have sent you a memo about the terrible twos, because you're doing very well at fitting the bill! You don't throw many tantrums, (and when you do, you're easily distracted) but you LOVE to get into trouble!  Dumping water on the floor, one of your favorite activities.  Helping yourself to cleaner (really just vinegar in a bottle) so you can wash windows is another (at least you mean well!) We have many beautiful drawing on walls, bed spreads, pack n' plays.....and recently you have figured out how to empty the contents of your diaper into the toilette all by yourself! (YUCK!)

BUT- you also love to cuddle, play with your brother and sister, sing songs (3 little Monkeys, Little Red Caboose, How Much is That Doggie, Bee Bee Bumblebee), and you really are so sweet.  You're quick to say sorry if you hurt someone or make a mess, and are so gentle (most of the time). : )

You love your B and paci and I'm not quite sure how we're going to rid you of them (at least the paci anyway!) You still love to nap for several hours in the afternoon and go to bed at 7:30 and greet us at 5:30 am. (!!).  You are so easy to put down for naps and bedtime and I think we may just try to keep you in that crib until you're 3! 

It makes us sad to see our little guy growing up so fast, but we also love to see you reach new milestones! We love you so much Calvin!!

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