Cole loves to jump up and down in his excersauces! He doesn't love when his siblings try to play with him in the saucer and spring the toys into his head! Poor guy!
The minute we put Cole on his back he rolls to his tummy! He sleeps like this all night because he doesn't know how to roll back! (Although he is definitely NOT sleeping through the night.)

He loves bath time! Almost time to ditch the baby tub!

Clara insisted on taking Cole on a wagon ride the other day. His first wagon ride!!

We haven't really given Cole food yet. It's too easy just nursing- but I know he won't be satisfied with only milk for too much longer!

Cole naps several times a day but there is no REAL schedule. Poor fifth baby!!

Trying a banana. Most of it ended up on the floor.

Cole weighs 25lbs- just two pounds less than Clara! We love all his rolls! He has five teeth coming in already! Cole is so easy going and is loved by all of us so much!!