Clara turned 1 all the way back in February!! (which means she's 15.5 months and I'm FINALLY adding new pics of her!!)
Clara loves her crib and goes to sleep for her two naps and bedtime really easily! She stopped nursing last month and is finally sleeping 12 hours a night!

Clara is definitely a celebrity amongst her siblings! They race to be the first one to get her out of her crib each morning and after naps, and are constantly showering her with attention! Cal is still working on giving her "gentle" attention. He loves her to pieces, but also loves to be right in her face which she doesn't always love.
Clara has stopped putting most things in her mouth (and if she does it's just so she can run up to mama for some attention!) which is a huge relief, but now she has transitioned into making lots of messes! I have to empty this jug almost every day! It's amazing how quickly she can completely dismantle a room in a matter of minutes! (or closet, or cupboard, or dresser....)
This was one of Clara's birthday presents. She love to take walks and will just sit in it contently for a LONG time! (not usually IN the house like this pic though....)
Some more mess making.....
After we updated our kitchen and got this new sink, we HAD to try it out for a bathtub! She loved it!
A few more things about Clara...
*She loves to make people laugh- usually by making a silly face or sound!
*If there is music on, she is dancing!
*She was in the 40th percentile for head, weight (20lbs) and height at her 15 month appointment. She is definitely our smallest kiddo!
*She does not say too many works yet- ball, dog, hot, all done, mama, dada, uh-oh, oh wow, as well as few signs- more, eat and all done.
We love this little cutie so much and thank God every day for blessing us with her!!