We hear a "thump in the night" often around here and this is usually what we find!
Cal LOVES to paint!
Calvin is such a great little guy! At four and 3 months Cal loves learning and is writing his letters and numbers quite well. He's reading the first level of Bob books and is sounding out more words each day! We'll start home school kindergarten soon! Calvin spends most of his days playing dress up (I have a knight in shining armor sitting next to me now!), playing legos with Corinne, building Tinker Toy and Trio weapons with Caleb, and trying to carry Clara around (which she does NOT love). He loves to take baths and go to bed when he's tired. Cal spends a lot of time laying in his bed and listening to Sparky, Wing Runner and Cubby Cd's. I think he may know all his Bible verses before even starting Sparkies! (Awana) He loves to tell Clara how much God loves her. We love Calvin so much and are so grateful to God for blessing us with him!!