Sunday, June 26, 2011

Michigan with the Wilson's

We just got back from our yearly visit to Michigan with the Wilson family and had a blast. We rented a house in the Hagar Shore area and definitely could have stayed a few more days!

Here are the kids waiting to ride on the carousal at Silver Beach in St. Joe's. As you can see, the kids finally outnumber the adults!

Here is the suit our son insisted on wearing while he played in the yard (at 8am...WAY before beach time!).

Of course the beach was the biggest hit of the trip! The kids played in the sand for hours!

Blake and Cal (only six months apart) got along quite well! (except when Blake used Cal's head to try and escape the play pen!) They will be great friends some day!

Too sunny for this little girl!

We spent a couple afternoons in the adorable town of St. Joes's and enjoyed lots of great food! (and many treats!)

On our way out of town we stopped for some spray park fun!
We're had so much fun and can't wait to plan next year's visit to Michigan!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Corinne has taken 3 sessions of ballet and had her first dance recital a couple weeks ago. She LOVED getting dressed up and going on stage.

Corinne and her good friend Sydney.

Corinne had quite a fan club in the audience, including her cousin Jack.

We're going to take the summer off but will definitely be signing up for more ballet in the fall.

Monday, June 20, 2011

7 months!

Cal is 7 months already! He's been such a busy little guy learning to do all kinds of new things. He loves to roll all over the place and is even starting to get into crawling position. He's still a joyful little guy (hoping that never changes!) and giggles and smiles most of the day!

Corinne and Caleb LOVE playing with Cal and love to invite him into their forts.

Our little broccoli face! He looks like this a lot lately. No hands required for this guy!