Corinne is 4 today! She had a friend birthday party last weekend, is going to her favorite restaurant for dinner tonight (Red Robin) and is having a family birthday party tomorrow! We love our little girl so much and feel so blessed to be her mom and dad!
At 4 Corinne....
*is so imaginative playing all day long using her imagination. I love ease dropping on the conversations she has with her dolls and imaginary friends.
*Loves to learn! She's been reading books on her own now for several months and loves to sit at the table write. I'm doing a homeschool preschool curriculum and she loves it and is learning so much!
*Has a bit of an obsession with The Little Mermaid. She has named her pillow Prince Eric and loves to include "him" in all of her imaginary play. I'm not sure what to make of that....: )
*Has such a good heart. She is so kind to everyone (with the exception of Caleb sometimes....we're working on that...) and loves to make new friends.
*is all girl. She loves dressing up, having her hair done, shopping, going to ballet, doing crafts.....I love it!
Calvin is already 3 months old! He's such a mellow little (well not exactly little) guy and we feel so blessed. At 3 months Cal....
* is very social and loves to smile and laugh at everyone who will pay attention to him. He spends a lot of time observing his crazy brother and sister and is hopefully only picking up their best habits. : )
*sleeps almost 10-12 hours at night without interruption (I hope I didn't just jinx myself!) and takes a lot of little naps during the day.
*wears cloth diapers. We love them and really wish we would have used them with Corinne and Caleb, but better late than never!
*weighs 19lbs! He's wearing 6-12 months clothing already. We love all his little rolls!
*Uses a pacifier to go to sleep. Corinne and Caleb never took them but it actually kind of nice. When it's nap time, we swaddle him, give him his pacifier and lay in bed!