I love to spend time reading my friend's blogs (and blogs of people I don't even know!). I always think it's interesting to read about other families and the milestones their children meet as they grow older. As I learn about all these milestones (again...on some kids I don't even know!) I often think, why don't I write about our children and their milestones???? Then I usually get distracted and find something else to do.
Now that we're about to meet our third child, I think it's time I start documenting some of our daily adventures as well as special days. I have a feeling the days will start to blur together with 3 children three years and younger! I know I'll be glad to have more than just my memory to rely on during the times I feel like reflecting on how our children have grown.
So- He goes my first attempt at summing up our children.....
Corinne- at 3 years and 8 months you amaze me every day. We have been through SO much with you which is part of the reason I have a special bond with you that will never be replicated with anyone in the world!
You have such a kind heart (with the exception of bullying your brother every now and then), and make friends very easily. You love to go to new places and usually end up with a friend within the first few minutes of being there. You also love playing with your brother and have taught him so much. Some of my favorite times in the day are when I see you and Caleb playing hide and go seek, or playing house, kitchen, giving Doctor exams, reading together, riding the power wheels or whatever it is you're doing together. You guys truly love being together.
You're a very bright girls and LOVE learning. You go to the high school early childhood preschool program twice a week right now and think it's really fun. But because you love learning so much (and I think your school program is more about socializing) we're doing a home school preschool curriculum too. Every day you ask when we're going to do school together and you say it's you're favorite time of they day. I really love teaching you and you're such a good student.
You're already reading, writing and so much more.
You're so excited to meet your new baby brother or sister and love to kiss my belly and feel him/her move each day. When we sing the months song each day, you always get excited to sing November because you know that's when the baby is coming. You're going to be such a great big sister.
I could go on and on....we love you SOOO much and can't imagine a better gift from God!!
Next entry...Caleb...