Monday, August 31, 2009

The states

We bought Corinne a USA puzzle about 6 months ago and she has loved everything to do with states ever since! She loves USA songs, has collected different related puzzles, and see the different state shapes in everything, including her food! The other day she pointed out that her turkey burger looked like South Carolina and actually it really did! It's weird....I know.....but that's what Corinne has been up to lately! : )

Saturday, August 29, 2009

11 months!

SO hard to believe that our little guy is going to be 1 year old soon! He's been very busy lately growing teeth, trying to walk, climbing EVERYTHING, trying to say words and playing lots! He's such a happy little guy and we're having so much fun watching him grow!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

First Hike

We took the kids for a picnic and hike a couple weeks ago and had a great time! We hope to do it more often, especially with fall approaching! Glen and are reading a book right now called "Last Child in the Woods" by Richard Louv and it has inspired us to find more creative ways to bring the kids outside (besides the usual park outings).

Picnicking with a 10 month old is messy, but fun!

There was a cute little lake called Silver Springs lake that was really beautiful and BLUE!

Caleb was happy to "stroll" the entire hike.

Looking at bugs.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Splash Park

We LOVE going to this splash park by Grandma and Grandpa's house!